Om Udvandrerarkivet
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Aalborg Stadsarkiv
The Danish Emigration Archive
The Danish Emigration Archive is the Danish national collection of letters, documents, films, photographs, audio tapes, newspapers, etc. which tell interesting stories about Danish emigration. The archive contains information and knowledge about migration and cultural meetings. Since its founding on July 3rd in 1932, the emigrantion archive has aimed to preserve and document the part of Denmark's history about the ones that left Denmark to seek their fortune under foreign skies.

Max Henius
The man behind the archive, Max Henius, saw a lot of potential in the establishment of an emigrations archive, and the archive concentrated in the first years mainly on Danes who had left to America, since the majority of emigration up to then had been to the USA, and because Henius himself had made a successful life for himself as a businessman in Chicago. Therefore, for the first several years, the archive was called The Dan-America Archives, even though Henius planned from the beginning that the archive should preserve material from Danes all over the globe.

What is in the archive?
The collection extends from the 1880s to the present day, and offers many interesting things. Here you will find personal letters and other material from well-known actors, from Poul Reumert to Ingrid Bergman, American presidents and Danish prime ministers, politicians, the royal family and other cultural personalities from home and abroad. But you will also find material from thousands of ordinary people.
Det Danske Udvandrerarkiv
Arkivstræde 1
9000 Aalborg
Tlf.: 9931-4220 (Man-Fre: 10-12)
EAN: 5798003745688
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HistorieAalborg (læsesal)
Tlf.: 9931-4234
Mandag - onsdag: 10.00 - 16.00
Torsdag: 10.00 - 17.00
Fredag: 10.00 - 15.00
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